The Pilot
The Pilot
Located in an Opportunity Zone in the southern portion of Riverside County in California, GWF’s pilot is strategically situated near the Coachella Canal Railway and a segregated/perched brackish aquifer. This area allows the property to serve as the company’s primary Research and Development site, along with being a functioning commercial Water Farm.
On March 1st 2023 Global Water Farms was issued its permit to begin building the full scale pilot. This is a major milestone and allows GWF to move forward with proving that its desalination technology will deliver 3 AF/day of distilled water per unit.

New Water
Our whole premise is that ‘new’ water needs to be manufactured to mitigate the current drought and to supply water for future expansion. Global Water Farms creates “new” water by using patented technology utilizing solar energy to desalinate unusable ocean water and/or brackish ground water. This process is revolutionary when it comes to desalination as it is done without membranes, without boiling water and with Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD).
Inputs; sunshine and salty water – Outputs; distilled water and salt.
Competitive Analysis
Large companies have large staffs to support their organizations which results in high overhead. Their ponderous bureaucracies tend to stifle innovation within their organizations, making them unable to quickly react to new conditions or opportunities. Global Water Farms believes being a small company is an asset when bringing new technology to market. A streamlined methodology and nimble staff allows fast proofing and acceptance of new concepts that advance the project.

Talk to us
Have any questions? We look forward to extending the conversation around how Global Water Farms can shape the future of water.